Wednesday, 6 August 2014

The past came calling!

I walk towards my phone ringing, guess whose call it was?    Alabama's.    Why could he be calling? Was he insane? Or did he miss his dial?  So many questions on my mind right now.  I have risen above the hate I have for him, so why can't he use his gumption?
And so dear diary, the story of Alabama begins.

Alabama : Hey blink for show
Me: hey good evening( in patience ozorkwo's voice )

Alabama : how is family dear?
Me:  why are you calling me?

Alabama : I called to check on my friend?
Me: mtcheeeet! Drops the phone

That was rude of me, but I mean he had no reason to call in, I rather he remained in his zone, while I stayed in mine. I am okay the way I am, beautiful in my way.....God makes no mistake.

 Meanwhile, The heavens cried with me last night, it felt as though I was communing directly with God. I asked him to wipe my tears away or @ least walk in my shoes to feel my present state.
I told him my eyes were sore from crying, he should join his own. Dear diary, it didn't Rain but Poured.

Some wounds never really heal! Sighs**

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